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Newbold and Tredington C of E Primary School & Day Nursery

Newbold and Tredington

C of E Primary School and Day Nursery

Creating a chance to SHINE everyday

About Our Curriculum

How are maths lessons planned?

Curriculum planning is organised into three phases (long term, medium term and short term) using guidance from the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) in the prioritising of curriculum content.

  • Each concept is planned to progress through from its early steps through to consolidation, providing flexibility for children to secure, deepen or investigate their conceptual understanding.
  • Taught objectives are planned out to best utilise links between mathematical ideas as well as connect to other areas of the curriculum, making effective use of resources.
  • Teachers use a variety of commercial resources, including the Oak National Academy and the professional Development materials provided by the NCETM, however are also encouraged to adapt tasks to best facilitate reasoning and conceptual development.
  • As children are assessed against the National Curriculum statements for each year group, planning is based around these objectives to ensure secure coverage and depth of understanding.

We as a school are also working closely with the Origin Maths Hub to develop a Teaching for Mastery approach across the school, sharing good practice with colleagues from other schools in order to understand the principles behind Teaching for mastery effectively.